Bird pecks me constantly аккордыNormal title

×2 B
2 F#
Вся песня: B F# G F#

1. I'll appoint a destroy.
I have never suck your bitch.
And I hate all. I hate you
Disappear all the rich.
Hair's staircase in the Heaven
Vein is road in the Hell.
And you don't love me never.
I have been a sellout pain.

Bird pecks me constantly (8x)

2. I will leave and not come back
Before that, I will fuck you.
I confess that, I am wack.
I did not shooting up you.
You can throw me to the mad.
Psychos though, what that I own.
We know all, that died
Heading far, far, far a down.

Bird pecks me constantly (8x)

3. Die and resurrect is a fun,
But I am already tired.
Yes, I'm dumb. I have a gun.
My mood's filed with suicide!

Bird pecks me constantly (8x)

Слова после песни: 
"This is a fucking grunge-song. 
I writing her on the English and my accent sucks"