It's A Shame About Ray аккордыLemonheads

× A
×× D
I've never
E  D
been too good with names.
A  E
The cellar door was open,
G  D/F#
I could never stay away.
A  E  D
I know it's probably not my place.
A  E
It's either or I'm hopin'
G  D/F#
for a simple way of sayin'...

A  E  D
It's a shame about Ray.
A  E
In the stone under the
G  D/F#
dust his name is still engraved.
A  E  D
Some things need to go away.
A  E  G
It's a shame about Ray.


If I make it through today,
I'll know tomorrow not to put
my feelings out on display.
I'll put the cobwebs back in place.
I've never been to good with names,
but I remember faces.